I was going through some of the wedding photos on the plane ride home and kept coming back to this one. I stared at it for a good 20 minutes trying to figure out my intrigue since it wasn't the typical Lisa "bright eyes and infectious smile" expression. I realized that this photo captured the main reason I love shooting weddings.
I've had several years experience in the wedding industry, first as a videographer's assistant, then as a wedding photographer. There's an evolution of emotion that occurs behind the scenes on "The Big Day". First, the bride is calm, cool and collected as she begins early preparations. Just sitting back and chatting with the gals as hair and make-up pampering ensues. Then, inevitably, some level of stress creeps in (nagging wedding coordinator, where is the marriage license?, a stain on the dress, cell phone calls with last minute questions, need to pay the caterer, or numerous other scenarios).
But as the ceremony begins, there's a brief period of time where the parents have been seated, the bridesmaids have just left to begin their procession, and I'm still in the room with the bride. I don't know exactly what goes through their minds, but I would describe it as a quiet intensity. Sometimes it's only for a few seconds during a deep breath, but this internalization of the day has always fascinated me. All the logistical stress of planning countless details melts away and the vibe of a life changing experience permeates the room. The bride realizes she's about to step through the door and the true meaning of this day becomes very real. To be the only person privy to witness this moment, especially when it's your friend, is one of the highest honors of doing wedding photography. Thanks to Lisa, Treena, Amy, Lacy and all the other brides that have let me be a part of their special day!